Registration & Refund Policies

Registration Policies

Registration Policies

As of June 19, 2023
Note: These policies apply to all registrations to the Fall of 2023 and replace any pre-existing policies.

Fees must be paid at time of registration, unless family is requesting financial aid. No refunds except has noted in our policies. A refundable volunteer deposit will be charged to each household. The deposit will be refunded upon completion of a volunteer assignment. Charges will appear from PYSC (Pinelanders Youth Soccer Club) on your credit or debit card statement. 

Registration fees are accepted under a “No Refunds” policy, excepted as noted in policies noted below.

Where refunds are permitted, they may be subject to a withdrawal fee. Withdrawal fees will be applied individually for each player withdrawn, and are not subject to a family maximum.

Team Assignment: No player may be assigned to a team or participate in club activities until all applicable fees have been paid and other requirements of the registration process have been completed. A player’s assignment priority will be based on the date on which registration is fully completed.

Placement Requests: Players in division U4, U5, U7 and U7G make two placement requests at the time of registration (teammates and/or coaches). The requests are not guaranteed, but we do our best to accommodate. We do not accept placement requests in divisions U9 and older. 

Withdrawal: A player is considered to have withdrawn when either the player’s parent or his/her coach has notified the Registrar. The Registrar will determine eligibility for a refund based on the circumstance and the date of that notification. Note that there is no burden on the coach to notify the Registrar of a withdrawal in time for a refund; if a parent is seeking a refund it is his/her sole responsibility to contact the Registrar directly.

Suspension/Disciplinary Action: No refund is available if a family’s membership is terminated involuntarily, or if an individual player is suspended from playing for the remainder of the season.

Gift Certificates: Gift certificates donated by the club to community organizations may be used in place of a registration fee. Gift certificates cover the standard registration fee only; they do not include any applicable late fee or other charge.

Alternate Payment: Payment must be made via credit/debit card. If a family does not have a debit/credit card to use to make payment, please contact the Registrar to make arrangements for a cash or check payment. Once the payment is received, the Registrar will assist with registration. A returned check is subject to associated bank charges.

Household Definition: For fees that are capped by a family maximum a family unit is generally defined as parents or legal guardians and their immediate children, living as a single household. As individual situations vary considerably, interpretation of this policy is at the discretion of the Board, and may be made on a case-by-case and season-by-season basis, without regard to precedent. Any such decision is final.

Multiple Family Members: The 3rd registration, and any additional registrations, receive 50% off the full registration fee paid. All children on the registration must be a member of the same household. 

Early Bird: This is offered at the discretion of the board for registrations prior to a certain date. 

Coupons: Discounts offered via coupon or other discount code cannot be combined with other discounts.

Note: All refunds are subject to a withdrawal fee of $10 per player, to cover unrecoverable transaction fees prior to the withdrawal deadline. Beginning one calendar month prior to the season start date (withdrawal deadline), all withdrawals are subject to a $25 withdrawal fee.

No refund will be given for withdrawals once the player has been assigned to a team, approximately 3 weeks prior to the season start date.

All refunds must be to the original form of payment and are not transferable to a different card or form of payment.

A refund (fee paid minus withdrawal fee) will be given under the following circumstances:

Injury or Circumstance Refund: An assigned player who is withdrawn within the first three weeks of the season because of doctor-verified injury or health problems, or other genuine eligible family circumstances, may be granted a refund provided that he/she has not participated in any games. Eligible family circumstances include major events or hardships such as moving away or long-term illness in the family. but exclude inconvenience (e.g. transport problems or schedule conflicts) and acceptance for a traveling team or another sports club. The notification and request for refund must be made to the Registrar before the start of any Week 4 games.

Waiting List Refunds: A player on the waiting list who has not been assigned by the Thursday preceding Week 3 of the season may be withdrawn and receive a full refund (no withdrawal fee).

A parent may choose for his/her child to remain on the waiting list beyond the Week 3 mark and still receive a full refund if the player is withdrawn later or cannot be assigned.

An assigned player who withdraws from the Outdoor program because of a doctor-verified injury or health problem, but who is ineligible for a refund of fees under the Refund Policy, may be awarded an injury credit to be used in a future season.

To be eligible for an injury credit the player must have been unable to play in the Week 6 and later games, and the player must be withdrawn and the Registrar notified before the Week 7 game. The Board will not approve an injury credit based on a later notification. Notification must be by e-mail.

The amount of an injury credit is 50% of the base program fee paid for the player, excluding any late fee or other charges and rounded to the nearest whole dollar above. The credit amount cannot exceed the actual amount paid for all players registered in the family for the current season, after discounting all credits used. Credits and coupon codes used to register the player cannot be restored, and late-fees are not refundable.

They can be used to register any member of the same family for the Pinelanders Outdoor or Indoor program.

A player receiving an injury credit may choose to stay on the team’s roster and receive a trophy, but may not participate in any further practices or games.

Contact Us

Contact Us

Mailing Address:
Pinelanders Youth Soccer Club
PO Box 455
Howell, NJ 07731
