Registration Questions

Registration Questions

How can I register?
Please click Play Soccer in the navigation for more information and to register. 

I don’t have my child’s birth certificate.  Can I still register?
Yes! You can provide any official document that clearly states the child’s name and date-of-birth – for example, an inoculation record or baptismal certificate.

We cannot accept documents that aren’t clearly readable or clearly authentic.

When does the season start?
The Spring season starts in early April and the Fall season starts in early September. Each season runs for 10 weeks. We don’t play on holiday weekend: Easter, Memorial Day, Labor Day or, when it falls on a weekend, Rosh Hashanah. 

Do girls play on all-girl teams?  Can they play on co-ed teams?

  • Girls aged 4 and younger play on co-ed teams.

  • Girls aged 5 to 11 have a choice to play on an all-girl team or co-ed team. Most girls choose to play in the all-girl divisions, so generally there are only a very small number of girls on the co-ed teams.

  • Girls 12 and older play on the Under-14 and Under-19 co-ed division. We are unable to offer all-girl teams at this age group of limited registration numbers. The number of girls vary per season from a few per team to up to one-third of the players in U19 being girls.

How do you determine a player’s age?
In the Fall season we take the player’s age on October 1 as his/her age for the season, to align with school cut-off dates. In the Spring season we use April 1. We assign players to divisions strictly by age on the cutoff date, even if they only miss it by one day.

Can my child 'play up'?
Occasionally, a child will be ready to play in an older division. These requests are reviewed by our Player Commissioner on a case-by-case basis. We must observe each player prior to making a recommendation to the board regarding advancing a player. Contact us if you have more questions regarding this. 

Can I choose a team/coach?  Can my child be placed on a team with a friend?

  • If your child will be under 7 on the season cut-off date (April 1 in Spring, October 1 in Fall) you may request for him/her to be placed with a particular team or coach, or with a friend in the same division. We’ll do our best to honor your request, but we cannot guarantee it. Please make your request when you register—we cannot change teams after assignment. We limit each child to two requests. 

  • If your child will be 7 or older on the cut-off date we cannot accept requests for placement or pairing.

  • Players in the Challenger program are not assigned to teams.

Can my own children play together?
Siblings will be on the same team if they’re in the same division. If you wish for us to separate your children, please add this request to your registration note. 

Can I register my child even if he/she isn’t quite four?
Yes – we have an Under-4 Introductory program. There is no minimum age for this program, but players must be out of diapers and ready to participate in an organized activity. 

Once I’ve registered is my child guaranteed a place on a team?
No, though we can usually place all players who register by the announced late-fee deadline as long as enough parents offer to coach.

Wait-listed players will be placed if space becomes available, and may miss the first week or two of the season. Unplaced players’ fees will be refunded. The earlier you register the higher your child’s assignment priority!

When does registration close?
We will plan division and team sizes based on the number of players and coaches registered by the announced late-fee cut-off date. After that, registration will close on a division-by-division basis, as the divisions fill up.

Please register early!!!

We don’t live in Howell. Can we still join Pinelanders?
Yes! There is no requirement that members are residents of Howell.

Can I be a coach?
We always need volunteers to be coaches and assistant coaches, and you don’t need experience – just enthusiasm and a willingness to help children to learn the game. If you’re able to help please sign up with your player registration. Click here for the Coaching Q&A page.

Coaches must comply with the mandatory safety requirements.

Do I have to register and pay on-line?
In most cases, yes. If you do not have an active debit or credit card, please select the Financial Aid option during the registration process and indicate that you would like to pay by cash or check. Then, please email us indicating check or cash payment and we will respond with instructions. 

Will I get a refund if I change my mind?
We’ll announce a withdrawal date, which will be about three weeks before the start of the season. If you let us know by that date, we’ll give you a full refund minus a $10 withdrawal fee (that covers credit card fees and registration platform costs). If you let us know after that date you’ll be charged a $25 late-withdrawal fee if your child has not been assigned, and if he/she has been assigned to a team you won’t be eligible for a refund.

If you’re not sure, our advice is always to register anyway, to get the highest possible registration priority and avoid paying the late fee. Then if you decide not to play just be sure to let us know before the withdrawal deadline.

Where can I get more information?
You’ll find a lot of information on the various Q&A pages. Please read them carefully, and if you can’t find what you need feel free to contact us. Please ask your question clearly and courteously, and we’ll do our best to help.

Please don’t expect an immediate response to your questions. Pinelanders is a volunteer organization, and most Board members have day-jobs.